Paris, december 23rd 2016
The Blurry Border between The Land and The Sea, 2017
Until There Is Nothing Left 1, 2017
A Moovie on My Wall, 2017
Natural Light
Artificial Light
The Shadow of The Sun, 2017
Dolceaqua, Italy
May 2017
Zeus’ Hand - Cast Number 1, 2017
Plaster and needles 20 x 30 x 5 cm (approx).
This work is made for a statue in Paris : Zeus holds his arm but his hand is missing. The quest for the ‘perfect’ hand, the hand of the god of gods will reach to an end with a very big and elegant man’s hand. This final cast will replace the missing hand of Zeus on the statue, achieving a gesture between restoration and profanation.
The Blurry Border between The Land and The Sea, 2017
Watercolor paper, sea water, pigment and wood.
Keys slightly modified are spread in chosen locations around the exhibition space, on both sides of the 117 years old french-italian border. A map where the keys will be located represents only the border between the land and the sea.
Until There Is Nothing Left 1, 2017
Iridescent paint, construction paper glued on linen. 210 x 115 cm.
A very simple gesture of fulfillment to contemplate the changes of color according to the surrounding light and the position of the body in space.
A Moovie on My Wall, 2017
Video, 23min 29sec, Loop.
The course of light and last beam of sun of the day on the studio wall, in Brussels.
The Shadow of The Sun, 2017
Polyester (3 x 4m), varnish and daylight lamp. Variable dimensions.
A very transparent fabric is suspended slightly detached from the wall. A circle painted with transparent varnish, its shadow is more visible than the drawing itself. This installation is subject to change, shaped by the surrounding light and wind.