Exhibition Views, Second Sight, CC Strombeek, Grimbergen, Belgium
Many Nights and Many Lights, 2023
4 video projections, polyester mirror foil, wall paint and aluminium paint.
Dimensions variable
The installation Many Nights and Many Lights (2023) is composed of four simultaneous video projections * - which takes over an hexagonal space with the video Crystal in Plain Sight (2011). This static shot was filmed at night in a moving car. It shows a close-up of a plastic-transparent fabric, that catches the light all around. From the very first moments filmed in the darkness of the outskirts of the city, a larger and indeterminate space is suggested. The clues of a urban “reality” reveal themselves slowly and surreptitiously.
The way the projections embrace the space makes it impossible to perceive the scene in its entirety or in one glance. The result is a dark, immersive space that evokes in the viewer — just as a nocturnal landscape or a starry sky can do — a collective sense of nothingness. Many Nights and Many Lights creates an inner experience beyond language.
*(The first two frontal projections are rectangular with blurred edges; they face each other and respectively show the seven first and the eight last minutes of the video. The last two projections “reinterpret” the last two minutes and thirty seconds, the most luminous and colored of the video. The beamers are oriented towards soft reflective surfaces curved in a precise way, to diffuse distorted halos on the adjacents walls.)
Photos : Silvia Cappellari
Video : Dmitri Makhomet