Slant, 2011
Facets, 2011
Aquarium, 2011
Untitled, 2011
Untitled, 2011
Untitled, 2011
Slant, 2011
Weaving with Nylon and Lurex. High: 19 cm.
The differants slants of light define differants aspects and depths in the same surface. A frozen moment is suggested.The form result from the textile’s structure, in order to remind a fold in process.
Facets, 2011 (In collaboration with Lucile Le Priellec)
Black tape. Variable dimensions.
There is no reminder to its usual fonction. Its identity, its abilities, its solidity become ambiguous.The spectator is invited to explore differents behaviours of a same material in an enlarged space.According to the point of view, tapes becomes a strong and hermetic surface, or lines almost vanishing.
Tapes also isolate a new space with diagonales and tensions. The meanings of outside and inside are reversed. From the store-window of the building, the inside of this bubble is exposed to the pedestrians.
Aquarium, 2011
Aquarium (60 x 30 cm x 30 cm), Water, Solar Mirror, Polyester and Iridescent Film.Variable dimensions.
3 prisms are floating slowly. The bottom of the recipient is reflective and open an other field of imagination.
Untitled, 2011
220 pieces of mylar and transfering iridescent paper folded. Variable dimensions.
Multiple points of view are proposed to apprehend the same piece, which can only be animated by the movement of the spectator. The setting is reduced to the disposal of elements in space. This perceptive experience takes place with an aware bond. However, the spectator absorbs as much as he is absorbed in. The fold is simple to allow several evocations, (space ships...)
Untitled, 2011
PVC felts folded and melted with heat press. High : 42 cm.
A frozen moment is suggested. The folds are emerging, as much as they are disapearing.
Untitled, 2011
Mylar and transfering iridescent paper folded. Variable dimensions.
A huge dark space is allowed to a tiny simple fold. Multiple points of view are proposed to apprehend the same piece. From far, the number of iridescent faces remains unperceivable and mysterious. From near, only one appears, it is directed towards the entry of space. It is a signal, a call, an accent. The gap is between the enlarged scale of the space and the smallness of the volume folded in not-precious material.